Thursday, 7 February 2013

A Date with Destiny - The Retreat

My mind is running frantically in all directions, but hitting the same wall.  Time is pouring out like sand in hour glass, if I have to do something; it has to be now and fast!

Then…It hits me like bolt, Oh! Would it work! I am hesitant for a moment. But do I have any other plausible option?

All the lessons I learnt, all the practice sessions I underwent in my last meditation retreat are opening instantly in the book of my mind. I see a glimmer of hope, how false it may prove eventually. Only my heart prays it doesn’t. Gathering every bit of courage and wit I start reciting Aum trying to concentrate in the centre of my forehead that I usually do during my mediation sessions. Trying to calm myself despite the circumstances I train my mind towards a single goal.

To my surprise and relief, pressure drops a bit. Hang on…I tell myself…everything is not over. A new hope of survival rushes in fills my every pore.

The opposite force is as unyielding. And the flashes come running again…I see that priest’s chants gaining fervour, his body swaying back and forth briskly. The encircling force again picks grip, pinning me down further. I sharpen my focus on 'Aum', mentally repeating the word with total attention.

I can sense two forces colliding head on…

And then…it breaks…as if a glass casket blew into pieces, sending shards flying far and wide. I am immediately released…a sudden gush of air hits my lungs hard. I tremble…move my fingers, my neck, my feet…I am alive!

Still breathing laboriously I sit up with a jerk. Everything comes alive. The mellow light is pouring through curtains. Aarush is sleeping blissfully unaware, his soft snores now audible. I experience an odd mixture of disbelief, confusion and relief. What was that? Was I dreaming or hallucinating! How could it be real? It all happened in few moments. A moment ago there was a vicious force, tangible, palpable, threatening to crush me under its weight and now everything looking so normal as it never happened. My head has become a whirlpool of questions, ready to drown me in its currents. It is no use waking up Aarush now; anyway there is little he can do. It would be very difficult to explain what happened. When I am staring at doubts clouding my mind, Will he believe?


It is been two day since that strange, spooky incident happened. I haven’t talked to anyone in the house about it. I know they will laugh it off. I wish I could do the same or at least could push it out of mind for few sane seconds. I am going through every routine mechanically with a heavy lead placed in my head. My eyes are droopy for lack of sleep and meditation sessions disturbed.  I realize I am getting wary of concentrating, for the fear of those visions, the fear so real that I can feel it breathing down my neck.

Still the strangest part is…that I do feel a pure energy coursing through me. I fought and thwarted that power…whatever it was. It’s oddly victorious…still mind keeps oscillating between extremes.

Picture taken from: Google Search


  1. This is intriguing ... somewhere it portrays the victory of good over evil, but then again, I am eager to know more about these forces that you encountered !!!

  2. That was a gripping out-of-the-world experience Meenakshi. Sometimes our mind plays games with us...

    1. Or is there something else! Stay tuned Reshma.

  3. At one point I almost went into a trance. Very well written. Definitely waiting for part II.

  4. Hmmmmm Very interesting meditation experience and with such force. What are you afraid of most? Offer it to the fire of your meditation. Could it be a kriya? Or the release of some old samskara? You pushed through it and that is great. :-)

    1. The protagonist is searching for answers, let's see what does she find.

  5. The description about meditation was awesome . I am speechless that you have described meditation to an extent that one really feels he is meditating. The picture besides adds flavor to it. Wonderful.

    1. Thanks Vishal, I am answering this comment a bit late and know by now that you do meditate.

      I am happy you could relate to it.

  6. Very enigmatic beginning.You described the state of your emotions so vividly-i could empathize with them.Next part will throw more light -i am anxious to read it.

    1. Thanks ma'am! I hope you like the remaining part.

  7. Loved the way you phrased the tussle between you and the other force.. so vivid.. so intriguing.. use of words impeccable..

    what's more in store i wonder.. I WAIT..

  8. enjoyed it Meenakshi. waiting for the next!

  9. The description seemed almost like an exorcism! Not sure how the story will end... kinda creepy!

  10. After reading through your experience, I felt as if I am not real. It evoked a strange feeling, which I have never experienced. before. It took me a few minutes to come out of the trance. Waiting eagerly for the conclusion.

    1. Thank you for such special words. It made the whole effort worthwhile.

  11. Seems like an inner evil fighting against the good and then...the good comes our to be can be hallucination as well...will wait for the next...part...!!!

    1. It is still a mystery, but you will know it soon.

  12. Sounds scary and exciting!! Waiting for the conclusion!

    1. Story is keeping even me in suspense, let's see how it unfolds!

  13. What an exciting post Meenakshi. Waiting for part-2.

  14. wouldn't say anything right now and make a fool of myself. let's wait for the next part. as far as your writing is concerned - magical is all i can say.

    1. Thank you so much Deb! It is really encouraging!

  15. Battle between two forces! Thank God! Good force won!

    1. We all like to live in that utopia, don't we! Thanks for reading!

  16. Gripping tale! Liked it! Waiting for the next part :D

  17. The Victory was thrilling...
    Amazing ... :)
