Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Your child has the ability to Surprise You!

My daughter came up with a new demand a few days back. “Mom, I want ‘Scooby strings’”. “Now, What’s that?”I almost snapped, irritatingly. Her demands never seem to end. “My mam is teaching some craft with these strings. You can get it from the book store. Please mom, many of friends have bought it already”. “Show me your teacher’s note,” I replied nonchalantly. I was sure there would be no note so no need to give in to her another I-should-have-it-too demand. I kept deferring it as long as I could, finally conceding and letting her buy those colourful plastic strings, which have these days acquired a new name – Scooby Strings. But I was in for a surprise. My daughter took to learning this craft quite seriously. Though it, finally came out, had nothing to do with her teacher. From her friends, she started learning to weave these strings into beautiful patterns and practiced it hard. She picked up new patterns from wherever she could. Within a month, she had become pretty good at it. Though, she has not yet come to make something concrete or useful out of it. But her effort is worth having a look….

Note the intricacy and the way she has weaved beads into them.

She gifted her first -made strings to me and my husband and we turned them into key chains.

Sometimes, If we just let the child do what she wants to, she can really spring surprises and very pleasant ones indeed!


  1. Never turn down a child. You could be jeopardising the future of humanity!

  2. Kids have so many ideas if only we let them develop it ... and those are lovely strings , I also want one of those :)


    1. Any time, whenever you happen to be in India. Thanks!
