Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Burden of Expectations!

"Caught in a whirlwind…of expectations,
All kinds, on all planes, all around
my rejected husk cracking, peeling flying afar,
 pink, delicate ‘me’ emerging, not without scar.
new complaints, new expectations, churning continues…
swinging like a pendulum between don’ts,… dos...
acquiring traits that do not belong to me,
soon, whatever I am, will cease to be,
choked, locked in deep recess,
abondoned lays a spirit, for it was less,
less than a perfect being, but perfect case for comparison,
tired of pretending, afraid of conclusion..
not this, not that, don’t want to be whole…
Please… let me die…
an incomplete woman, an unfinished soul…"

Picture Taken from:


  1. wow.. that's all i can say.. awesome poem.. very poignant and touchy..

  2. beautiful!! I agree about letting us be, with all our imperfections!!

    1. Perfection is a mirage! We have to accept ourselves and other with imperfections! Thanks for your kind words!

  3. "tired of pretending and afraid of conclusion"... deep meanings!! Too good ! Cheers!

    1. Thanks Samik! I am happy you got the essence of it!

  4. expectations are always too much, Meenakshi. they don't seem to end, and for each one not met, we get hurt. we change and become someone we hadn't thought we'd be :( it happens. part of each of our journeys in life I guess. maybe we can just hope to remember that that change wasn't what we wanted, and return back somehow to the path where we took the wrong change? then try again?

    1. being a pert of family, society we have to make many adjustments within and without. But it is important not to lose sight of one's self. Improvement is something else, but it becomes a problem when trying to emulate someone else, deemed a better person, we forget the qualities which are unique to us and lose our own identity. The identity crises then ensues can be very depressing sometimes. Keep visiting and commenting on my blog! Thanks...

  5. Expectations can really prove to be burden at times ... well written !!!

  6. I come here expecting to read amazing stuff and am ever disappointed! :)

    1. I hope you meant 'never', deepak, hahaha... Thanks:)

    2. oops... Yes indeed - should have been never! Sorry about the typo!

    3. Oh, its OK, I only meant in lighter vein;)

  7. Soul -searing---what can i say?This is a terrible dilemma & you have expressed it brilliantly.

    1. Coming from an accomplished writer like you, It is an award, Mam, Thanks you!

  8. Absolutely wonderful! A great write indeed!!

  9. The title of the poem sums it all. We are burdened, and sometimes stripped of our identity and given a new attire which we dont fit in. Expectations, the word itself is so heavy. I wished you could end the poem in positive. You just dont have to die as an incomplete woman, you have to live and love life as an incomplete woman, perhaps thats the best way to fight back to those weighing expectations.

    1. I appreciate your comments and suggestion, Thanks for visiting my blog!

  10. hmmmm wow now i expect a lovely poem always here :) .. ok ok ok you can write other things too he he he .. :) kidding

    expectations is the root cause of many a problems, and it is sad that people who expect us to do this or that or whatever .. Dont help us many a times to achieve those expectations .. and that where lies all the problems ..


    1. Thanks Bikram, for finding my poems worthy enough to comment on;) Very right, the people who weigh us down with their expectations seldom play a constructive part in meeting those.

  11. It grips and doesn't let go through the maze of affliction and debasement. Beautiful piece!

  12. Delightful read. Expectations can bog you down.

  13. yes... expectations are such a problem n when they higher n higher... it tensed more... :(
    very well written...
