Wednesday, 7 November 2012

You dare do it Mr. Obama!

Many congratulations! Mr. Obama.  You did it. Getting elected for the second time as the President of America is no mean job. You got to be shrewd, with good share of grey cells working overtime.  But your speech today left me confused, disconcerted. How can you drag your poor (ok, not literally) wife into it. You thanked her for helping you be the man you are! You do not know Mr. Obama, how lucky you are, to have born in a country where you can ascend the highest podium and pledge your love for your fashionable wife in full public view!   Had it been India, You would have committed a political suicide and many politicians around would have started sharpening their knives to give you a final blow. Here, keeping glamorous and business minded wives is like digging your own political grave. It is something that brings out the worst in our politicians like Mr. Narender Modi and M A Naqvi, who are otherwise striving hard to wipe out their earlier skewed accounts and earn respect and acceptability? Just when they are the on the verge of being projected as future hope, they raid some closets and scoop out ’50 crore rupee girlfriend’ out of it. They would have traded your title (President) with ‘love guru’. Though, I have would have loved to see all your enthusiasm and pride of victory chickened out.

No, Mr. Obama, barring America and Europe, wives of politicians are never supposed to enjoy the spotlight. (Now, that’s not fair Mr. Obama, Rabri Devi is a ‘gracious’ exception). They are never even mentioned and are generally relegated to dark backgrounds. Our Prime Minister does carry his wife but just to follow a protocol wherever required. We idolize public figures who shunned marriage and count this their strength. Taking your wife to the platform you are hounored with, is blasphemous in this country of goddess worship. You think you will be spared! Here you are wrong Mr. President, better prepare yourself for a scathing attack from Mr. Modi, before republicans get a chance to tear you apart for your policies! 


  1. :) Strange country we live in! We worship Goddesses, elect them to be our leaders and then go rape, mutilate and humiliate those that are allowed to be born!

  2. he he he imagine comparing Mrs obama with Rabri devi.. Now if somehow lalu becomes the president of America and she the first lady WOW , laughter anecdotes for everyone


    1. ..and in his victory speech he claims that entire nation loves Rabri devi as first lady of

  3. A very potent article! Very powerful and thought provoking. We are indeed a strange nation who idolize and worship fictitious and mythological women and traumatize, judge, berate and reduce the real women. Hypocrisy couldn't be more pronounced. I hope one day it changes for the good.

    1. ....and we live to see that day!! thanks for visiting!

  4. a very powerful article.I liked it.

  5. When I read the title I didn't suspect where it was going. It is, no doubt, a very astute observation. Never understood why women waited around for that "respect". It would serve them better to do something they've always wanted to do for themselves and earn their own respect.

    1. well said, KayEm! world respects you when you respect yourself.
