Friday, 21 December 2012

Are we really Bothered!

Nothing will change till the people at the top, running the show, change their mindsets. Congress leader Sanjay Nirupam's derogatory remarks against BJP Smriti Irani go on to show why we cannot hope for things to change in favour of women in this country. He said in a political debate on NATIONAL TV targeting the lady," you used to dance on TV (aap to TV pe thumke lagaaya karti thi), now you are a poll analyst!"


It is a country where after spate of rape cases in a state, a senior leader remarks that in 90 % of rape cases are consensual sex gone wrong! Worse still, for them all the hue and cry that is made on this issue is political conspiracy against destabilising the government! Whom are we expecting to enact strict laws against such crimes!!

And we the people! Ours is a country where after hearing the news of rape, first reaction people give is 'What was the women doing there at that point of time, how was she dressed, was she drunk' and and dissect victim's character  the way they like. It is not some uneducated, uncouth, backward people we are talking about. These are educated, office going, suit tie wearing people, discussing in their fancy offices over their fancier lunch. Even women are not behind in raising there first fingers on the rape victim. This attitude makes the sexual crimes the most under reported cases in India. 

Even the people, who are protesting against this crime,  or out on the roads holding placards or candles or busy over mobiles forwarding the received messages, are they really concerned or just exhibiting a crowd mentality. I received two messages yesterday evening both claiming that the Delhi rape victim breathed her last and let's protest on Saturday wearing black clothes. I was furious to say the least. Are we running a race, that in order to show 'me too' , we are not even bothered to check facts!


  1. Actually its more like jumping in bandwagon...very few understand the sensibility of any such movement. Its a wave and is considered hip - "dude I was totally in that protest and that too!!"

    irritates the hell out of me as well... The Dark point profile pic on FB adds to the anger!

    1. Thanks Aparna, Sorry for the late reply!

      I wish at least the people who are showing support to this cause change their mindsets and start at a healthy trend back in their homes. Let it be a beginning.

  2. really pathetic.. you cant expect anythng from from these rotten souls(politicians).. you rightly pointed out about the herd mentality.. we need to wake up from this deep slumber and ask ourselves - do we really care?

    nice post..

    1. Thanks Deepak! Politicians as well as judiciary has to be shaken up! both the systems need a total revamp.

  3. rape is one crime where victim is victimised agn and agn by the system and society.. and even after all the suffering, justice seems to be a far cry (conviction rate abt 25% only).. you dont want to be a women.. the odds are placed heavily against you..

    1. Exactly, women face discrimination both in the house and outside. rape is just result of the inhuman tendencies people harbour against women.

  4. Hi Meenakshi,

    Yes, quite true. Women in our country are seen as downtrodden and unworthy of a status in society whereas in other countries, they match men in every field. I don't know when India is going to learn but all these negative vibes are pulling the country down when it should be on the road to becoming the next superpower.


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    1. Women do enjoy better status in Europe and America. But even there incidence of reported rape cases is quite high. This seems to be an universal problem.

      Thanks for reading!

    2. It is quite true and sad as well. Hope the year 2013 brings some sense back into living.

      Happy New Year Meenakshi :)


      My Blog | My FB Page

  5. Totally agree with you...and your seems nothing will change and people at large are doing things just for a formality...!!!

    1. They will keep doing the same till we refuse to take this rubbish anymore. let's not let this spirit die down!

      Thanks for visiting!

  6. Replies
    1. I just hope for the light at the end of this long dark proverbial tunnel!

      Thanks for reading!

  7. It's the sad part of humanity, and the hypocrisy of mankind. On one hand, they pray Goddesses, and on the other, they look at women as mere objects !!!

  8. a majority of the people holding placards have a mentality which leads to a crime like this. and when they heard this news first, i am sure, even they would have thought about the possibilities of that girl instigating it. and i know that a huge number of office-going, educated people who have such mentality (which includes women as well). and rest of them just keep quiet and listen to such discussions. they don't stop them and tell them that they are wrong.

    1. I agree Deb, women have this unique tendency to point fingers at victims and justify the derogatory comments of their men folk to earn some browny points. First they need to start respecting themselves and asserts their rights, before they expect anyone to change.

      Thanks for reading!

  9. rightly's shamefull for our country that we worship maa durga in all of her avtars in the form of murti but forget to give respect to a woman who is alive.I am sure God also must be crying on this.

    1. You echoed my sentiments! we are living in world of contradictions.

  10. Sensitivity is vanishing, too rapidly,alas!

    1. Brutality of the incident left everyone shocking, even the men are finding it hard to accept! We can certainly not call these people animals. Animals are far sensitive, then is it this type of personality, terms like asura or rakshas was coined for?

  11. The last paragraph has said it all Meenakshi -----we too were talking the same last evening ---Indians are a pathetic lot

    Please read my ----what I want to gift my motherland
    thanks and regards
    am a bit busy with guests hence not coming regularly may have missed some your writes will catch up soon

    1. Thanks Rajni!

      As I was away for few days, I couldn't read you post. My apologies! will read soon.

  12. You are absolutely right. I don't know where we are heading. Some people just don't care, some people care for a reason or with an agenda, but very few are still left who care unconditionally. It is indeed a sad state of affairs which I fear will only get worse. :(

    1. Thanks Raj for visiting and reading! I agree but lets that small fragment of people who do care start a spark, let's you and me and all others out there feeling the pain make a difference.


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  14. Yes Meenakshi you are very correct.We ,as a nation have become insensitive. Every issue becomes politics.Even yesterday there was a case of raping in a public transport bus.It is so disgusting.

    1. Yes, Mam, In spite of so much happening around to show resentment and anger against rapes, it is going on unabated! That's sad!

      Thanks for reading!

  15. While the Delhi girl was battling for life, the political class were at their peak playing their blame game. It is really disgusting.

    1. Yes sir, there no limit to which these people can stoop low. Aometimes I feel a civil war is lurking near by...

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. He said that! Disgusting, no wonder our country is like this...

    1. Ya, its true, he said it on national TV for everyone to hear!

      Thanks for dropping by...

  18. Sad indeed but I think there is hope. There is still a little revolution brewing and there are chances that it will bring change. Hope for happiness and life without fear.

    1. I hope we live to see that day, Thanks for visiting!
