Thursday, 11 October 2012


An oft-repeated but rarely understood word.  We make some… break some… or just get lost in the pursuit of the unreal ones. There is a story about goals that touched me and I want to share with you all.

 A long time ago, a bunch of enthusiasts went to a spiritual teacher and pleaded with him to accept them as their disciples. The Guru was famous for not accepting disciples easily. The stories of his strict mode of selection preceded his fame. The guru questioned calmly…What is that you seek! Everyone retorted, ‘God!’ ‘The path is not easy’, He was not easily convinced. ‘We are determined’, said the students, not ready to get discouraged. The Guru smiled gently, his gaze turning inward. Then he spoke, ‘Prove your love to God. Go back and recite ‘Aum’ for 108 times without getting distracted, fully absorbed in His love. Come back tomorrow. Whoever passes the test, will be admitted.’ Everyone of the group rejoiced. They couldn’t believe their luck. The test was ridiculously easy. They had been following this ritual every day, morning and evening, for many years.

The next day, all eager faces showed up, convinced about their admission. The Guru asked one of the disciples, did you pass the test? The student beamed with pride,’ Yes Guruji, in one go.’ The Guru posed the same question to the next student. The student also replied in affirmation, complete 108 recitations, nothing more, nothing less! The Guru went on asking the same question to every student, getting the similar reply, until his eyes fell on one face that lacked the conviction. His face didn’t reflect the glory of completing the task, instead fear of rejection was looming large in his gloomy eyes. The Guru came to the student and asked,’Did you complete the task.’ The visibly embarrassed student spoke in a shaken voice,’ My sincere apologies, Guruji, but I couldn’t.’ The other students gasped and sympathetic murmurs arose for the poor boy. The Guru waved every one into silence and asked inquisitively,’ Why?’ The student replied, ‘My ill fortune couldn’t see me through. Every time I started reciting ‘Aum’, I got so engrossed that I lost count after sometime. An overwhelming feeling gushed through my being. A celestial music poured forth, sucking me into it. My entire being melted into the symphony, dancing to its tunes. Guruji, my unworthy soul didn't follow your commandment.’ But the Guru was in a different world altogether, his expression of elation belying the student’s unworthiness. He said, ‘My son, I am honoured to accept you as my disciple.’ All others faces fell out of disbelief, disappointment. The explanation followed. The goal was God, the omnipresent ‘Aum’. But all the students, except one, lost the primary goal and vied for getting the number of recitations right.

The story means a lot and applies to all and sundry without exception. We all seek happiness in life. We claim Happiness, Peace of Mind to be our primary goal, but lose the very things in pursuit of money, power, luxuries.

Picture taken from:


  1. The story is quite inspiring. And i agree to this that any meditative practice should take us beyond the law of time and space so that we can experience the oneness with God :)

  2. Sometimes, the smaller picture distracts us enough from the larger one. Its a good story which explains us to stick to the main aim or goal. :)

    1. I happy I was able to convey the message, Thanks for visiting.

  3. Very beautifully expressed! Thank you for sharing!

    Would sincerely appreciate if you get rid of word verification. Thank you.

  4. Thanks Roli, for visiting and for appreciation:)

  5. an eye opener for many.. people keep pleasing God in rather superficial and materialistic ways.. but that's not how God works.. great story beautifully told..

    1. God is beyond any ritual! Thanks for seeing the point.
